The suffering of the husband's sister (non-married)

my subject today will be about Right of sister in law it will be hard write in english but i will consider as a challenge .

from what i see in my life there is no respect for a girl does not married with out consider the age her position in the family - sister in law- she lose alot when her father become so old or die or sick or blind  you ask what she lose ? first of all she needs money without make burden on any one on her father or her brothers and she want it every time there for if she need it without she have to ask in particular from his brother it's so hard to ask money from someone even if it was your brother in particular if he married because he have family he thinks his family the only responsibility he have .. no that is not right you have your mother and your sister's
and not he is the only one who thinks this way the wife also do .. if you have sister's in law and mother of your husbend they have the right in your husbend as you do ..
he have to give them money ...

the most proplem is of the brother be good and do his duty he feel as he did a good thing and he is a good guy and he is very generous with his mother and his sister's .. no you are not all what you did your duty if you feel it that will break heart your mother and sister's because they will think you do not believe that they have this right and they are your responsibility  that feeling will make them feel they should be feel thankfulness

they have not feel this way they should feel all what you did that you are did your duty , that will make him feel they happy because they have such brother ,,

and you must learn your wife first that your mother and sister your responsibility and all what you will do for them it's your duty even if you do not have a great sallary and their needs from money or any thing else is equal to her needs at the same time

as your wife need something necessary also they have .

you know what is the worst things ?when a brother give or do something for his sister as ..travelling every one know about that in the society the most time they hear that information from the wife

why  realy why ? why have every one know and sister in law live an embarrassing situation because  every one feel as he took  from the wife money no she is not she took from her brother

why the society think -the wife who let ( i mean allowed to) her husband stay and talk and drive and give money to his mother and sister -she is a good Daughter-in -law - no she is not she have no right to allow or not .

you know we are in saudi arabia the women can not drive a car it's not allowed i know this is not fair..
so we have to ask our husbend our fathers our brother's or some of us if they rich they hire driver for their girls and the mothers ... but if the girl does not have rich family and she is not married and her brothers married and her father mabey die , sick , old can not see or does not know how he drive or very poor he can not buy a car or hire driver .. she realy can not do any thing just ask her brother for arrive .. some wife does not accept and be angrey , some of them open Investigation file where she will go ? how will take ? why? is it necessary? some of them .. she Allow her husband todrive  his car to get his sister to the desired location but she never ever let him go alone with his sister she must go with him even if she does not want to go exhausted
why?  why you do that ? i see girls relative to me they have married brother's never ever go somewhere or to their friends without Brother's wife ... i realy hate this view ... Is sin to ride the girl with her brother in a car by themselves?

all what you do you have no right to do it ... do you accept that your brother's wife do as you do to your sisters ? sure no and even if you accept that remember every family is different from others 

you know there is somthing bad i can not describe  how bad is it ... there is alot wives answer on mobil's husbend if they read on the screen name of his sister or mother just want to know why she call and stay beside his husband and heared every words he said to his sister or his mother .. his sister have the right to call his brother and you have not to know what about they talk... i know woman she takes the mobile of her husband and read who call .. if she saw name member of his family .. she call again on his family she want to know what they want but she did not say it frank but she tried open any subject lead to any information
... and she do not allow to any of his sisters or girls sisters to go with him in any where not even if she will go in the same place at same time with him i will tell you what she do when she arrive at the place she call and said : oh forgive me i forgot to till my husband to pass you by ...

the most seen here in our generation  and the next also previous generation .. no girl let her husband stay with his sisters alone she stay with him even if she want to be in somewhere else ..why? realy why your husband also their brother they have the right to talk with him to stay with him talk making joke laughing togother as old dayes .. mabey they have some subject private want to tell to his brother some wives they think they have the right to know about that privte subject ... some of them they think mabey she will say bad thing about me or she will let hem marri other woman or she will Induced him about her .. if you are realy good wife and he love you he will never ever listen to his sister or his mother ..because the men Worship sex Their loyalty to those who provide them with a great sex..

there is question ask your husbend about it :)

if you and your mother in law in aboat , and that boat will sink and your husband has to get ride of one , who will choose , you or his mom ?

Probably if you asked the most men will say i will choose to save my mom but in fact if it's realy hapend in the reality if the husband had great sex with his wife sure he will save it and let his mom sink

bacause the men worship sex

sorry i wrote alot

see you

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